We already started managing safety issues in SMS Pro and want to change the Risk Matrix. How does it work?

All Risk Matrix change requests for "locked" divisions must go through SMS Pro support.

Historical risk assessments can't be separated from your "locked" risk matrix. When you change any division's risk matrix, all historical assessments will incorrectly reflect the latest configuration.

For example:

  • You classify issue as "Acceptable risk, Probability: 1, Severity 2 (P1/S2)" (green risk matrix cell)
  • You later decide to change P1/S2 cell to be Mitigable risk and make it yellow
  • After the change, all issues previously assesses with P1/S2 will reflect Mitigable risk/Yellow assessment.

We only need to update Probability/Severity wording, and keep the risk colors/levels the same

These changes have no effect on your historical issues as they don't change the risk levels/colors of matrix cells.

What options do I have?


1. Change probability/severity wording, no color changes:

Cost: $500 flat fee

Timeline: Either 1 day from approval, or by the following Friday (with weekly code deployment) - depends on the scope of changes



2. Change risk levels/colors and document previous assessments:

  • [we] Document existing risk assessments in "Assessment Justification" text box, will look similar to the following (does not apply to PHAT risks)

          Previous SMS manual revision 1 indicated the following risk assessment:
          Initial - 09/28/2018 - Alison Sky - Risk: 12 P/S: 2/C (Green)
          Closing - 10/29/2018 - Alex Pilot - Risk: 4 P/S: 2/E (Green)

  • [we] Delete all existing risk assessments
  • [we] Update the matrix (Issue Manager and PHAT Risks matrices will be updated)
  • [you] Start using new risk matrix going forward
  • [you] (Optional) Go back and assess old PHAT risks with updated risk matrix. You can also assess open issues; closed issues cannot be assessed.

Cost: $1,000 flat fee

Timeline: 1 week from approval, with changes deployed on Friday

Site content provided by Northwest Data Solutions is meant for informational purposes only. Opinions presented here are not provided by any civil aviation authority or standards body.