View Recent Enhancements to SMS Pro

Date Module Affected Enhancements
Dec 29, 2016 Offline Issue Reporting

Updated to version: 2016.12.29.8448 (bug fixes)

Dec 28, 2016 Risk Assessment Tool

Offline App available for FRAT versions of the Risk Assessment Tool

Dec 28, 2016 CPA Manager

Added action taken tooltip to corrective action.  If you hover over corrective action column you can see the text containing the details of what the assignee did for the corrective action.

Nov 25, 2016 Safety Article Training Library

New module to automatically track recurrent SMS training for smaller operations. 

  • Useful for recurrent SMS training
  • Scalable to include security and other training topics
  • Track which employees read articles
  • Comes pre-loaded with over 300 educational safety articles
Nov 15, 2016 Issue Manager

Added "Initial Mitigating Action" as a CPA type to go with Short Term and Long Term. This allows organizations to track completion of "initial mitigations" within the prescribed policy dates and allow more time to actually complete this issue for CPAs that are dependent on external factors, such as the CAA.

Oct 31, 2016 Issue Manager On Manage tab, added Control Measures from Proactive Hazard Analysis Tool for Dept Heads to review before creating CPAs. Managers can also view these control measures for the associated issue on Details tab and the Classify tab.
Oct 28, 2016 Custom Report Viewer Added Approved Vendors By Classification Report
Oct 13, 2016 Report Issue In Settings, added setting to hide who reported the issue in the Email Notification Subject. Useful for unionized employees or those wanting enhanced security for regular issues not submitted as anonymous or confidential.
Oct 9, 2016 Issue Manager On Manage tab, Dept heads can post "Message Board" message immediately to affected user groups notifying them of event. Also can use this Message Board integration to send "Lessons Observed" after all corrective actions have been completed.
Oct 8, 2016 Message Board When reviewing reports, Reports By Role dropdown has date created and by which user. Also displays the selected report message so manager can review the message sent to users.
Sept 17, 2016 Issue Manager Added checklist to Validate popup. Checklist questions are modified by Settings item on the Select tab in Issue Manager. There are three default questions with y/n response types.
Sept 15, 2016 Issue Manager Enforcing that any open investigation must be closed before closing the issue.
Sept 15, 2016 Issue Manager Investigation - added "Investigation Summary" immediately above "Sequence of Events"
Sep 7, 2016 Issue Manager Investigation, added investigation complete by date and includes date in Investigation Team notification emails
Sep 7, 2016 Meeting Manager Added Meeting agenda types:  Issues Marked for Safety Committee review, Issues Marked for  Management Review, Issues by Status
Sep 1, 2016 Issue Manager Added Ability to email the Issue Details PDF from within Issue Manager
Sep 1, 2016 Issue Manager Added Power User quick links.   Certain cells of the issue manager module will direct you to different tabs depending on your user roles. 
Aug 26,2016 Meeting Manager Added ability to enter time instead of using time-picker for meetings
Aug 12, 2016 Proactive Hazard Analysis Tool Added an information icon for identified risk scenarios explaining the risk priority
Aug 12, 2016 Message Board When creating a message, originally only the first role selected in the target roles box would display. Now you get a preview of each role that is selected when creating / editing a message.
Aug 12, 2016 Auditing Manager Many bug fixes including selection of user when requesting information and the Assigned CPA user for the auditing PDF.  Enhancements include limiting the ability to notify the Responsible Manager that the audit is complete to only the Audit Team leader, and only the Responsible Manager can mitigate findings when managing Finding Issues on the Manage tab of the issue manager.  Added option to have a specific User Auditor to be delegated to manage findings issues by the audit Responsible Manager. This grants them access to the findings for the audit they are assigned to manage. The delegated user can be selected from those user auditors who are not associated with the audit.
Aug 12, 2016 Induction Manager Recurrent Training Quiz now has multiple choice option available
Aug 12, 2016 Meeting Manager CPAs Requiring review bug is fixed. Meetings can now be created for CPAs that have the Safety Committee review date set.
Aug 5, 2016 Offline Issue Reporting Critical bug fixes, make sure you're updated to v. 2016.08.05.7417
Jul 6, 2016 Hazard Register Added "Charts" tab and moved all four "Top KPIs" by time period to this tab.
Jun 24, 2016 Executive Dashboard New Chart - Mandatory / Voluntary Issues to report (Safety manger can specify which types of issues need to be reported)
Jun 10, 2016 Issue Manger > CPA Ability to send a copy of CPA to management and external entities. List of recipients is saved, so you can send additional copies as CPA is being worked on.
May 31, 2016 Custom Settings/Issue Manager Allow Dept Heads from another division to be assigned an issue. This setting requires tech support to configure for your portal.
May 18, 2016 Meeting Manager Better formatting of Issue Comments on Meeting Minutes tab when a reported issue agenda type is selected.
May 18, 2016 Policy & Procedures

Ability to add external link to Policy or Procedure. Images are now allowed without adding extra text to pass validation.

May 7, 2016 Proactive Hazard Analysis

Added type of Control Measure, such as Corrective, Preventive or Detective.

April 29, 2016 Issue Manager

Added PDCA table to PDF export

Apr 18, 2016 Executive Dashboard

Added new "All Open Issues by Division" chart

Apr 13, 2016 Report Issue

Ability to add custom "Reference Id" (by Division) to issue reporting module (e.g. Flight #, Runway, PO #, Tail #, etc.). This Reference Id is also searchable from Quick Search in Issue manager. To setup, go to Setting in Report Issue module. Quick tutorial:

Apr 1, 2016 Executive Dashboard

Adding "Learn more" links to some of the charts, to give users a better idea of the chart benefits

Mar 24, 2016 Auditing Suite

PDF section order improved

Navigation Menu available on most pages

Added Calendar settings for custom coloration of audit appointments

Added ability to schedule External Audits to view in the Calendar

Added Ability to manage Findings in Auditing Module as opposed to Issue Manager

Added Audit History Filters

Mar 8, 2016 All Modules

Added "Need Help?" icon to most of the modules; it will open popup window with help info and video links (same information as Documentation module, but easier to get to)

  Report Issue Added "Auto-Save" functionality to "short description" and "recommended CPA" text inputs, so that reporter won't lose any text if browser crashes or window is closed by accident. Auto-save functionality will be rolled out to more SMS Pro modules in the near future.
Mar 3, 2016 Auditing Suite

Added Finding / Issue # to PDF report

Added PDF review to Audit form to allow quick review before accepting the audit as complete

Images embedded in PDF are properly sized for the page

Added optional Issue Link in PDF  (can select to use issue link in Settings)

Feb 25, 2016 Message Board Added ability to assign old Messages to new Users (or users that have not responded to them)
  Issue Manager Removed "All" option from "Status" drop down filter; use "Search Issues" box to find issues by ID or Title, or search in Data Analysis and Export module
  User Dashboard

Added ability to ignore "open and overdue CPAs/Issues" for CPA Thermometer statistics -

Only "SMSAdmins" can edit Dashboard settings (Wrench/Spanner icon)

  Report Issue Added ability to associate issue with Vendor/Client at the time of the report (have to enable in Report Issue > Settings > Admin tab). Requires "Vendor Management" module.
Feb 24, 2016 Customize Settings Renamed "Daily Emails" column to "User Overdue Emails" in User Roles Setup.
  Message Board Added tree view in Drop Down list for Read Files

Site content provided by Northwest Data Solutions is meant for informational purposes only. Opinions presented here are not provided by any civil aviation authority or standards body.