View Recent Enhancements to SMS Pro

Date Module Affected Enhancements

Dec 7, 2018

All Adding "Overdue CPAs" indicator at the top of the screen (near Message Board bell). Will show number of CPAs overdue for both end users (doing the CPAs) and Managers (responsible for Issues with CPAs). Clicking the indicator will take you to the new Safety Workspace (see details below)

Dec 7, 2018

Safety Workspace New and improved safety workspace module added.

Noteworthy features"
  • Can submit issue from safety workspace
  • Can view several policies here
  • Address assigned items such as
    • Issues you've reported
    • Issues you're assigned to
    • Messages requiring your acknowledgement
    • Meetings you have been assigned to
    • Audits that you are a part of
    • Checklists you are assigned to

Nov 23, 2018

Issue Manager > Classify Tab  > Associated Entities Allowing adding "Linked Reports" by ReportID (only available to SMSAdmins). Now you can link reports from different divisions.

Nov 9, 2018

Issue Manager Added ability to extend issue deadline from email when Department Heads request deadline extension from Manage tab.

Nov 2, 2018

Message Board Added ability to disable message acknowledgement links in emails, requiring the recipients of the message notification to log into SMS Pro to acknowledge the message.

Nov 2, 2018

Duty Log Added area in Settings pop-up to modify a Duty log entry template.

Oct 26, 2018

Offline Issue Reporting Removing old version of offline reporting. If you still have old shortcut, you'd have to reinstall it. re: Aug 10, 2018 security enhancement. 

Oct 19, 2018

Email Attachments Added ability to attach emails to CPAs (currently, functionality only works for Issues). CPA attachments will only works for CPAs created after Jan 1, 2018 (these CPAs will have a dash "-" in their id, e.g. 5000123-1).

Oct 19, 2018

Proactive Hazard Analysis Tool (PHAT) Added Active Monitoring to control measures. Also able to add review comments to each control measure. Active monitoring will be a core Safety Assurance enhancement for 2019.

Oct 19, 2018

Issue Manager CPA grid
  • Simplified grid with a lot of information contained in one column
  • Ability to view the current assignee status of the CPA, such as:
    • CPA having been assigned, but not yet acknowledged by the assignee
    • Assignee has acknowledged their assignment, but has not begun working on it
    • CPA is in progress
    • New Comments available for assigned manager
    • Assignee has complete their task
    • Assignee task completion has been rejected.

Oct 12, 2018


Adding option to "View All Audit Findings" when managing audit findings. This allows managers to manage findings without first knowing which audit they belong to.

Adding Setting offering an option to Require 100% completion of audit before it can be accepted as complete. With the Setting turned on the option appears when scheduling an audit. With the option selected for an audit the "Accept Audit" button is disabled until a percentage of completion of 100% is achieved.

Oct 12, 2018

All Pages/Modules in SMS Pro Feedback

Adding Feedback functionality allowing ALL users of SMS Pro to submit ideas or pain points to the SMS Pro team directly from within the SMS Pro application.

Oct 5, 2018

Issue Manager

Allowing "Actual Perceived Consequences" to be optional. Can be changed in Issue Manager Settings pop-up under "Most Inner Tabs" 

Sept 24, 2018

[Add-On] CPA Assignment Statistical Comparison

New Add-On, allows you to mine CPA data, to analyze Manager performance, User performance, CPA composition, and other highlights.

Sept 21, 2018

Issue Manager

Associated Issues added to Issue Details report PDF

Aug 31, 2018


Increasing number of attachments for audit supporting documentation.

Added multiple file select for audit supporting documentation upload.

Aug 31, 2018

CPA Manager

Improved load time. CPA Manager 65% faster

Aug 31, 2018

Message Board

Added filter to view/edit Message Drafts only.

Aug 24, 2018

Auditing / Auditing Dashboard Legend

Allowing Portal to define the level of "lateness" for their Audits Past Start Date

Can be configured in Auditing Settings pop-up

Aug 24, 2018

Issue Manager / Externally Assigned CPA User Interface

Updated User Interface for externally assigned CPAs to match that of internally assigned

Aug 24, 2018

Issue Manager / CPA Emails

Redesigning CPA Assignment emails for Vendors and External Users to make them more self-explanaotry.

Adding more CPA details (e.g. Responsible Manager, Due Date, Instruction to user) unless "Exclude Issue Details from Emails" setting is enabled.

Aug 24, 2018

Issue Manager / ECCAIRS

Upgraded to ECCAIRS v.

Aug 17, 2018


Added additional security option for Audit Form Management

New option added allowing only SMSAdmin, or a Managment User with the additional role of SMSQaAuditor to manage the Audit Forms for the portal.

Aug 17, 2018

Message Board

Added Hyperlink type Documents to Document selection

Added "Select All" option to assign messages feature

Aug 10, 2018

Offline Issue Reporting

Updated app's security, it needs to be reinstalled on all client devices. Old version will be supported until October 5, 2018, and will be disabled thereafter.

Aug 10, 2018

Issue Manager

Included "Next Review Date" in Issue PDF

Aug 10, 2018

Most Modules

Changed drop down lists containing user names to be consistent. Common format is "Last Name, First Name"

Aug 3, 2018

CPA Thermometer

"24 hour grace period" for Responsible Managers to accept CPA performance.

CPAs meeting the following criteria will NOT be considered overdue:

  • "User completed" on time
  • Responsible Manager "accepted as complete" after deadline, but within 24 hours of user action

Aug 3, 2018

Data Analysis & Export

Issue Short Description narrative has been removed from the Data Analysis grid. Is still available in the export.

Aug 3, 2018

Issue Manager - Control Measures

Added text decoration to easily identify currently implemented control measures associated with an identified hazard.

Aug 3, 2018

Issue Manager / Investigation

Issue Update comment added when an investigation is opened and closed for the issue. Captures who opened and closed the investigation and when it was opened or closed.

Aug 3, 2018

Issue Manager / Manage Tab

"Request Deadline Extension" button will be visible to assigned Department Head user 14 days before the deadline (used to be 7 days).

Aug 3, 2018

Issue Manager - Issue Validation

Department Heads are now able to perform review risk assessments when validating issues.

Aug 3, 2018

Proactive Hazard Analysis Tool - ORP PDF

Detailed Control Measures information has been returned to the ORP export PDF.

Aug 3, 2018

Proactive Hazard Analysis Tool - Associated Risks

Department Heads are now able to risk assess identified Risk Scenarios associated with a given hazard.

July 27, 2018

Issue Manager

Added ability to control which Safety Managers can change issues status (e.g. Close issues). Has to be enabled in Issue Manager settings (Assess Tab in settings view > Use "Who Can Close Issues" checkbox). If enabled, SMSAdmins would have to configure SM permissions on Assess Tab > Issue Status.

July 27, 2018

Customize Settings (Company Info)

Added default "instructions to user" for Automated Dept Head CPAs logic.

July 20, 2018

Message Board

Made Document integration "folders" easily identifiable.

Restricted the ability to select a folder for message creation  (was resulting in faulty links as links to folders cannot be created)

July 13, 2018

Customize Settings (Email Reports)

Added attachment support for "Report Issues by email" functionality.

July 6, 2018

Goals and Objectives (NEW)

New Goals and Objectives module (request if interested).


Division specific goals

Objectives can be assigned to multiple goals

"Management view only" goals, only visible by Managerial roles

Objective comments

Objective attachments

PDF export

July 6, 2018

Data Analysis and Export

Added "Location" filter to Classification Filters tab.

June 29, 2018

Offline Auditing

Support for "Auditor Actions" added to offline auditing application.
Added device memory avaiability notifications.

June 29, 2018

Issue Manager

Added option for Assigned Department Head and Safety Manager to be emailed when comments are added by users on the Issue Details tab.

June 15, 2018

Issue Reporting

Added "Issue Short Description Templates". Ability to create a template for the short description box of an issue, prompting reporters for specific information. There can be one template per division. They are configured in Setup >> Customize Settings when a divison is selected and "Initial Settings" tab is selected.

June 15, 2018

Meeting Manager

Added option to add meeting minute text as a comment to the accompanying issue agenda item.

June 15, 2018

Classification Report

Added "CPA" view, to review CPAs by Classifications.

June 15, 2018

CPA Manager

Allowing to filter by Issue Status with "All Divisions" filter is selected.

June 8, 2018

Data Analysis and Export

Improved performance of "Export to Excel" functionality.

June 8, 2018

Continuous Improvement

Added "Issue Classification Monitor" report to show managers whether reported issues are being classified in order to generate quality risk management reports.

June 1, 2018

Risk Analysis Chart

Added "Locations" drill down chart.

May 25, 2018

Issue Manager

Performance improvements for Classify and Manage tabs.

May 4, 2018

Issue Manager

Issue Validation from within the issue. When an issue is selected and has a next review date set, an "Exclamation" icon will appear at the top of the page (near "Add a comment" and "Generate PDF" icons) allowing you to open the Issue Validation Pop-Up for that issue to review.

Issues Past their Review date can also be validated from the "Select an Issue" grid by clicking on the ReportId to open the Issue Validation Pop-Up for that issue.

Apr 27, 2018

Training and Qualifications

Ability to overwrite the "Recertification Date" for user's training when added as "Confirm Only, do not schedule". This is to accurately record the Recertify-By date for training items that do not fall in the usual recurrence periods.

Apr 20, 2018

Issue Manager

"Sticky filters" in Issue Manager  to save Division, Department, and Status filter selections. These filters will remember their last selections and will always use that as default (until selection is changed by the user)

Apr 20, 2018

Training Qualifications

Added ability to override the re certification date when entering training for a user.

Apr 20, 2018

Issue Manager

Added ability to contact the Assigned Manager for an issue from CPA grid (on all tabs that it appears) applies only to Safety Managers, Department Heads, Admins, and Executive users.

Apr 20, 2018

Issue Manager

When re-opening an issue, all Validation risk assessments will be deleted and documented in the comments. That allows you do risk-assess the issue at closing.

Apr 20, 2018

Issue Manager

Ability to filter issues by status when viewing issues for  "All Divisions"

Mar 23, 2018

Continuous Improvement

Added "Risk Assessment Management Chart", which allows you to view issues by risk assessment. Pick a cell from the matrix, view all issues that were assessed with that probability / severity.

Mar 9, 2018

Issue Manager / CPAs

Added "Update and Return" and "Update and Load Next CPA" to CPA Performance tab (when CPA is loaded to edit).

Hiding all other CPA tabs on suggested CPAs  (until is is Assigned and Accepted)

Mar 2, 2018

CPA Thermometer

Adding detailed explanation of the logic behind CPA thermomerter, with all CPAs that drive the statistics shown in the grid. This module can be accessed by SMSAdmins from Setup > Customize Settings > Company Info. "Thermometer Stats" link will be next to "Show CPA Thermometer" checkbox, and will only be visible if CPA Thermometer is enabled in your portal

Mar 2, 2018

Issue Manager / Reports

SMSExecutives can now access all reported issues (except for Confidential), no additional roles required

Mar 2, 2018

CPA Manager

Added additional filters for Corrective Actions:  CPA Type, CPA Term, CPA Classification


Feb 23, 2018

Issue Manager

Added ability to customize Actual Perceived Consequences in Issue Manager Settings pop-up

Feb 23, 2018

Meeting Manager

Added ability to add other issues in Meeting Agenda step when creating a meeting

Feb 16, 2018

Issue Manager

Added a more Clear description of what to expect when merging an issue on the Asess tabl

Added list of Safety Promotion messages associated with an issue in both Manage tab (in communicate risk section), and Issue Details.

Added ability to include "Safety Promotion" messages in PDF report (optional)

Added ability to reload and edit the message from Manage Tab.

Added ability to upload .zip and .rar file extensions to issue attachments.

Feb 16, 2018

Message Board

Allowing Adminsitrators to create a custom Subject line for Must Acknoweldge Emails

Feb 9, 2018

Issue Manager

Adding "Perceived Consequences"  to Risk Statement area allowing Safety Managers and Department heads the ability to track negative impact on people, environment, assets, security, and reputation based upon initial assessment of "actual consequence severity".

The consequences are not intended to be 'mitigated' during the lifespan of an issue, only to record the initial actual consequence.

These measurements can offer management insight into current and historical risk exposure.  


Added Confidentiality change comment for issue, indicating who marked an issue as confidential.  Also added ablitily for user who flagged an issue as confidential to "Unflag" the issue.


Feb 9, 2018

Data Analysis and Export

Adding Audit number and Title to Excel export results.

Jan 26, 2018

Data Analysis and Export

Performance enhancements, report results will be emailed to the user once the processing is done.

Jan 26, 2018

Issue Manager

Adding "Attachment count" column to the grid, so you know what issues have attachments.

Jan 19, 2018

Issue Manager

Fixing permissions for "Commitee review" functionality; you can only set review flags for the committees you belong to.

Jan 12, 2018

Checklist Manager

Ability to save checklist as PDF. Allowing SMSAdmin to view all assigned checklists.

Jan 12, 2018

Issue Manager

Civial Aviation Authority Corrective Action (CAA CPA) format PDF is now available as an option for the Issue Details PDF, allowing your report to match a format more recognizable by most CAA

Jan 12, 2018

Anything CPA-related

Better CPA identification, replacing arbitrary numeric prefix in CPA titlles with more useful identifier. The prefix will consist of Issue# and CPA number, e.g. for Issue # 5023456, first CPA will have 5023456-1 title prefix, second 5023456-2, etc. For portal using Custom Report IDs, the logic is the same, for Issue # 17-234, first CPA will have 17-234-1 title prefix, second 17-234-2, etc.

Jan 12, 2018

Meeting Manager

Safety Committee agenda logic update, only people in the given Safety Committee can create meeting with agenda for that committee. I.e. if  you're not in the "Committee R",  you won't see the agenda option for "Committee R".

Past Change Log Entries

Site content provided by Northwest Data Solutions is meant for informational purposes only. Opinions presented here are not provided by any civil aviation authority or standards body.