Managing Aviation Hazards
Safety managers classify issues by predefined hazard lists. Hazard classification lists help safety managers create new classification schemes or review their existing classifications.
These hazard classifications have been derived from many aviation industries accepted models.
Why Download This list?
Over 220 hazard classifications for:
- Air Operations;
- Airport;
- Environmental;
- Ground Operations;
- Human;
- Maintenance; and
- Organizational.
- Save time creating/reviewing your classifications; and
- Serves as an excellent resource for creating best-in-class hazard management classifications.
Hazard classifications are important to the success of every aviation SMS program. They serve as the heart of all your safety reports. Well-drafted hazard classifications should clearly communicate problem areas to managers and employees.

Site content provided by Northwest Data Solutions is meant for informational purposes only. Opinions presented here are not provided by any civil aviation authority or standards body.
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